Ecology, Energy, Estonia, Gas, Good for Business, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 08.05.2024, 04:58

Estonian biomethane made up 70% of gas pumped into cars at Eesti Gaas stations in August

BC, Tallinn, 10.09.2018.Print version
Biomethane made in Estonia made up 70% of the 713,800 cubic meters of gas pumped into vehicles at the filling stations of the Estonian gas and electricity seller Eesti Gaas during August, informs LETA/BNS.

"Demand for gas as a favorably priced and environment-friendly fuel has grown. At present we are able to sell all of the green gas made in Estonia at our filling stations, and looking at the present trend I can see room for growth in sales figures," Eesti Gaas board member Raul Kotov said.

In August, some 493,000 cubic meters of biomethane was sold at Eesti Gaas filling stations, 10% more than in July. In total 713,800 cubic meters of compressed gas, as much as in July, was sold at the company’s filling stations during the month.

Since the beginning of September Eesti Gaas is selling compressed gas under new product names at its filling stations. Green gas or biomethane, internationally known as compressed biomethane or CBM, is a fuel 100% of Estonian origin produced from biodegradable waste. The fuel sold under the product name CNG, or compressed natural gas, is a mix of imported natural gas and locally produced biomethane.

Kotov said that the change was introduced for the product names to better reflect the fuel's nature and origin and to facilitate choice for consumers. The chemical composition and quality of both products is similar and both are suited for use in a car, he added.


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