Budget, EU – Baltic States, Financial Services, Latvia

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 19.05.2024, 01:39

Janis Reirs: Latvia one of rare countries with a stabilization budget

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 08.12.2010.Print version
In floor debate before the 2011 state budget was forwarded to the Saeima committees, Saeima Budget and Finance Committee Chairman Janis Reirs (Unity) praised the job done by the Cabinet of Ministers and its team.

Janis Reirs.

Reirs pointed out that Latvia is one of few countries that can offer a stabilization budget. Two years after the crisis worldwide, many European countries are now talking about crisis budgets.


"There's a crisis in Ireland, Hungary, crisis budgets in Spain and Portugal. Crisis budgets are being prepared in the UK, France and Germany, for a five-year period. Latvia has managed to put forth a stabilization budget, and for this, thanks goes to the Cabinet of Ministers and the team that worked on it," said Reirs.


He accented that teamwork was quite apparent here, instead of the usual – each minister staunchly defending his/her own sector.


The committee chair also pointed out that the budget's objective is to secure a situation where Latvia can balance its expenditures and revenue, and no longer live in debt.

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