Economics, EU – Baltic States, Financial Services, Latvia

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 17.06.2024, 13:00

Saeima Speaker: Latvia's goal is to join the euro-zone

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 06.04.2011.Print version
Speaking at an annual conference for European Union (EU) parliamentary speakers in Brussels yesterday, Saeima Speaker Solvita Aboltina (Unity) pointed out that one of Latvia's main goals is to fulfill the Maastricht Criteria and join the euro-zone by 2014, which means that Latvia supports all initiatives that contribute to the euro-zone's stability and competitiveness.

Solvita Aboltina. Photo:

''Issues related to the future of the euro-zone are important for all EU members. They must be discussed by all members sitting at one table. We have a positive attitude towards the European Council's conclusions, offering various measures to liquidate the consequences of the crisis and ensure the financial stability of the euro-zone,'' Aboltina said at the conference.

Speaking about overcoming the economic crisis, the Saeima speaker pointed out that hard work allowed Latvia to avoid bankruptcy, as well as three main principles – stability, partnership and responsibility, LETA was informed by the Saeima's press service.

''The 2011 budget clearly shows the turning-point in the growth of the Latvian economy. If the previous two budgets were described as crisis budgets, then the 2011 budget is a stabilization budget,'' Aboltina pointed out.

The Saeima speaker is in Brussels from April 3 to April 6, where she is attending a conference for EU parliamentary speakers.

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