Lithuania, Railways, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 17.02.2025, 21:33

Lithuania's transmin cancels predecessor's decision on LG board

BC, Vilnius, 16.12.2020.Print version
ithuanian Transport Minister Marius Skuodis has on Tuesday cancelled the decision made by his predecessor Jaroslav Narkevic at the end of his term over the appointment of a new board of the state-owned railway company Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways, LG), writes LETA/BNS.

He announced his decision on Facebook and later told  that the powers of the incumbent board would be extended.

The transport minister says that after he got acquainted with the documents on the board's selection, he had serious doubts over the transparency and professionalism of the selection process. Therefore, he's initiating an audit, involving independent experts, on the selection process.

The new LG board was appointed on Dec 4. Narkevic told then that the board had to be appointed as the term of the previous one was about to end in the middle of December. He claimed that the selection process had been transparent and believed that the incoming transport minister would not need to change the decision.

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