Energy, Gas, Gas Market , Lithuania, Port, Transport, USA

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 19.02.2025, 09:59

New LNG shipment from US expected in Lithuania's Klaipeda

BC, Vilnius, 15.12.2020.Print version
A new LNG shipment from the United States is heading to the Klaipeda-based LNG terminal in Lithuania, marking a fifth such delivery in the new gas year that started in October, writes LETA/BNS.

"Arctic Voyager is arriving from a port in Georgia and is brining some 138,000 cubic meters of LNG. The schedules arrival window in December 16," Klaipedos Nafta, the LNG terminal operator in Lithuania, told.

It will be an 11th LNG delivery from the United States over the six years of the Lithuanian LNG terminal's operation, with another delivery expected later this month. The largest amount of LNG over the six years of the Lithuanian terminal's operation has been delivered from America this year.

Klaipedos Nafta says 2020 has been a very favorable year for LNG imports from the US and this gas will make around 37% of the total LNG imports this year. Some 49%  will have been delivered from Norway, and the remaining share will have been delivered from Russia.

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