EU – Baltic States, Innovations, Internet, Modern EU, Technology
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Monday, 13.01.2025, 01:53
Digital technologies in the EU: priorities and challenges
Digital revolution is already marching through the EU member
states; and the telecom innovations are driving the process. In the member
states, the new sustainable growth strategies include additional efforts
towards digital innovations’ implementation.
Therefore, key objectives of the EU states are “green
policies” which facilitate creation of sustainable industrial base through the use
of digital technologies, while reducing transport pollution, providing more
efficient homes and smarter working facilities.
Digital services and technologies are widely used in the EU
states: these technologies are becoming even more intense through, for example,
new 5G-based networking which can “re-configure” the work of data-centers and
telecom-networks. Only in this way the ICT-users will have trust, security and
transparency in the telecom operations.
More in:
European digital economy is lagging behind…
Digital technology and services systems operating in Europe,
with only a handful of exceptions, resides outside EU states. According to the
Forbes “Digital 100” ranking of top 100 public companies shaping the global
digital economy, only 17 are from Europe; besides, only one in the top 20 global
providers reside in Europe.
As the Report-2020 confirms, in addition to the direct
economic benefits, a particular challenge for the EU states is to develop
digital services in a way that adequately responds to the socio-economic, environmental
and trust issues adequate to modern use by consumers, businesses, national and
EU-wide governing bodies. (Report, p.7). According to some date, investment
into digital sector in advanced ICT providers is double the European’s
Modern telecom innovation is driving digital facilities and
increases application opportunities. As long as the EU states are working on
new and sustainable growth models, the EU institutions shall provide
recommendations on the latest and most important innovations in progress:
digital communications.
More in the Politico’s summary:
Investing in the EU’s digital agenda is quite low too: according
to the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association, ETNO the
investment into the sector reached EUR48.6bn in 2018, with ETNO companies
deploying 70.5% of the total network investment in Europe (EUR 34.4bn, fixed and
ETNO companies have the highest proportion of revenues dedicated to investment among global peers situated in Japan, the US and South-Korea.
However, investment per capita in Europe remains
lower than those of such global peers, with Europe investing around EUR 89
per person, as opposed to global peers’ average at EUR 177 per person.
European markets remain fragmented, with 47 main
MNOs in Europe, as opposed to 7 in the USA, and 3 in South-Korea and
Japan respectively. Europeans use and spend less in connectivity
services as compared to their global peers.
Telecom service revenues have been about EUR 165 bn for
the past 5 years; mobile and fixed revenues accordingly were at the level
of EUR 14.9 and EUR 21.5 in 2019. This means that European
telecom markets have to make significant efforts in more efficient network investment:
e.g. many EU states are having only 1-3 examples of network sharing agreements.
ETNO: working on perspectives
As the above mentioned Forbes Digital 100 Index revealed, of
the 17 Europe-based companies only 11 are either telecoms operators
or telecoms equipment vendors, and more than half of them are
ETNO members. The estimate for the value added of ETNO’s footprint is
EUR 136.9 billion, which captures indirect contribution to society and
economy in terms of tax, rewarding employment, shareholder value and
others. Besides, investment in digital training is on the rise: the EU companies
are delivering 33 hours per employee of skills training in 2019, up from
30 hours before, and with some member states delivering close to 80
hours per year.
However, the new 5G networks’ prices imposed by national providers are actually different:
some European telecom operators are being charged up to 14 times higher
than the main global peers. Fiber roll-out is increasing
across the EU states, with 41 million households directly reached by fiber
in 2019, up from 34 in the previous year.
The estimate for the value added of ETNO’s footprint is
EUR136.9 billion, which captures indirect contribution to society and
economy in terms of tax, rewarding employment, shareholder value and
Increase in the consumers demand data-driven services is
connected to increase in energy demand; in the telecoms sector such demand
grows at about 5% per year. European telecom companies are radically
changing the way they work: by 2019, almost 50% of the energy used by
ETNO companies came from renewable resources. This
reflects positively on the green performance of the sector, which in 2019
reduced its overall emissions by 8.5% with respect to the previous
year with a corresponding reduction of carbon intensity: in fact, the CO2 emission
targets by leading ETNO companies are overall more ambitious than
those indicated in the EU ‘green deal”.
“Digital corporate effect” is increasing too: e.g. revenues
in the locally-tailored telecom-cloud services in the B2B rank are becoming
positive with growing and intense competition; similarly, IoT growth is
going to continue, with telecoms empowering a diverse range of industrial sectors
(the EU is expected to reach 740 million active IoT connections by 2026).
On the consumer’s side, telecom operators are increasingly
competing with OTT video services: by 2024
revenues of the operators’ own OTT services are projected to reach EUR5.5bn/year,
up from EUR1.8bn/year today.
Service and data-based innovation is also improving with
artificial intelligence, AI
being increasingly improved to make telecoms network more responsive
to customer needs and more efficient, including from the energy
consumption viewpoint.
Full “State of Digital Communication Report” (consisting of 41
pages) in:
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