Covid-19, Crisis, Education and Science, Estonia
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Monday, 17.02.2025, 12:12
Estonian education minister: Taking state examinations voluntary this academic year

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"We have discussed this issue in depth with parents, students, teachers and representatives of school managers, and reached a shared position, which was also supported unanimously in feedback from a round of approvals. It is important that students be given a choice in the present situation whether to take state examinations or not and whether to do it now or later. However, I call on all final-year students to take part in the exams as it may prove necessary for their future studies," Minister of Education and Research Mailis Reps said.
Final-year students who have signed up for this year's exams and wish to take them at the end of the 2019/2020 academic year, can take their Estonian language or Estonian as a second language exam as well as examinations in mathematics and one foreign language. The exams are held at the end of May and in early June and results will be delivered on June 30 at the latest.
The Estonian language examination will take place on May 29. The written examination in Estonian as a second language will be held on June 1 and the speaking test from June 1 to 3. The mathematics exam will take place on June 5.
As to internationally recognized language examinations, the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 and B2 level examinations in German will be held from June 8 to 11; the Cambridge Assessment English C1 Advanced examination from June 12 to 22. No international exams in French and Russian will take place in June. The Innove Foundation will relay additional information regarding exam dates and times to students who have signed up for the examinations.
Additional state exams for those who did not take theirs in spring or are unhappy with their results can be taken in he first half of the 2020/2021 academic year.
State examinations will be organized in compliance with the valid public health requirements and restrictions. Detailed instructions will be relayed to schools by the Innove Foundation.
It is possible this year to graduate from high school with school stage grades that are at least "satisfactory" or "pass." Carrying out a study project or practical work or taking school exams are not prerequisites for graduation. The school's teachers' council will have the right to assess if the said tasks can be performed in the emergency situation and they do not have to be done if the teachers' council decides that it is not possible due to the emergency situation.
No basic school examinations will be held this year. Students who wish to sit their examination in Estonian as a second language in order to obtain proof of language proficiency will be able to do so. For graduation from basic school in the academic year 2019/2020, year grades must be at least satisfactory or pass. Creative work is not a prerequisite for graduation from basic school, and the teachers' council will assess if it is possible in the emergency situation.
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