Cargo, Latvia, Port, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 07:19

Cargo turnover of Salacgriva port in Latvia fell by 4.6% in 11 months

BC, Riga, 07.12.2020.Print version
During the first 11 months of 2020, the port of Salacgriva reloaded 272,148 tons of cargo, down 4.6% from the same period a year ago, LETA was told at the port.

Reloading of pulpwood was down 44.3% year-on-year to 65,119 tons, accounting for 23.9% of the port’s cargo turnover in January-November 2020 (41% a year ago).

Reloading of woodchip cargos rose 4.8% year-on-year to 54,979 tons, handling of peat was down 9.4% to 45,739 tons, and reloading of asphalt jumped 2.6 times to 35,210 tons.

Firewood cargos jumped 3.8 times to 24,051 tons, while handling of ceramsite dropped 17.4% to 23,793 tons. The port also reloaded 13,257 tons of gravel, a cargo that was not handled at the port a year ago.

The number of ships handled in Salacgriva dropped by six on year to 86 ships in the first 11 months of this year.

In 2019, the port of Salacgriva reloaded 299,715 tons of cargo, which was 13.9% less than a year before.

There are three large and seven small ports in Latvia. In 2019, Salacgriva ranked third among the small ports by cargo turnover.

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