Banks, Culture, Financial Services, Forum, Latvia

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 08.09.2024, 22:12

Pre-auction Exhibition of ArtEmbassy in Rietumu Bank

BC, Riga , 12.11.2020.Print version
Awaiting ArtEmbassy big autumn auction of artworks, an exhibition has opened in Rietumu gallery, where one can see the offered lots.

This traditional auction, the largest in the Baltics, will feature 344 lots, including paintings, graphics, sculptures and applied arts. Among them, there are extremely valuable unique items that are rarely available on the market.

Participants of the auction will be able to purchase genuine “pearls” created by the most recognised masters of Latvian painting such as Janis Rosentals, Aleksandra Beltsova, Janis Valters, Janis Tidemanis, Ludolfs Liberts, Eduards Kalnins, Leo Kokle, Janis Pauluks, Felicita Pauluka, Herberts Silins and others.

In the applied arts section, masterpieces of jewellery and unique historical artefacts are presented - pieces of jewellery made of silver and gold, works of art made of bronze and porcelain.

Due to the declared emergency, the auction will be held on the website and will be completed online on 21 November at 12:00 am. It will be possible to take part in the auction by phone.

The auction will be broadcast online at

Anyone can view the pre-auction exhibition in Rietumu Bank Gallery (7 Vesetas St, Riga). It is open until 21 November on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00.

Exhibition visitors must wear face masks and observe other precautions. Please note that maximum 9 visitors are allowed in the exhibition hall at a time.

The auction catalogue can be found here.

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