Covid-19, Crisis, Estonia, EU Regional Policy, EU – Baltic States, Tourism, Transport
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Wednesday, 19.02.2025, 10:28
Estonians on German-Polish border advised to notify Estonian ForMin
BC, Tallinn, 15.03.2020.
Print version

The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is asking Estonian citizens currently on the German-Polish border and on their way back home to notify the ministry, informed LETA/BNS.
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The ministry is asking Estonian citizens who are on their way back to Estonia by land but unable to enter Poland from Germany to notify the ministry by e-mail at [email protected]
"Include the number of people, personal details and a contact phone number in your e-mail so that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can contact you," the ministry said. "Due to the spread of coronavirus, several countries, including Poland, have introduced additional measures to control land borders in addition to air and sea traffic restrictions."
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