Covid-19, Crisis, EU – Baltic States, Health, Legislation, Lithuania, Markets and Companies, Medicine, Tourism, Transport
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Wednesday, 19.02.2025, 09:50
Covid-19: Lithuania plans to introduce coronavirus quarantine on Monday

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LETA/BNS provides an overview of 15 restrictions under consideration:
1. Foreigners are banned to arrive in the country, excluding persons ensuring necessary deliveries of goods to Lithuania, crew members, family members of Lithuanian citizens, and persons having the right to live and work in Lithuania, diplomats, representatives of NATO military missions. A temporary humanitarian corridor will be left for Latvian and Estonian citizens to reach their countries.
2. The number of border checkpoints to enter Lithuania is reduced.
3. Lithuanian citizens are banned to leave for coronavirus-affected countries by all means of transport. Also, any non-work-related trips abroad might also be banned.
4. The operation of shops, excluding non-food shops, pharmacies, specialized veterinary pharmacies, and food-selling marketplaces, is banned.
5. The operation of cafes and bars is banned, excluding take-away food services.
6. All public events in both closed and open spaces are banned.
7. Cruise ships are banned from entering the port of Klaipeda.
8. Public administration establishments are banned from providing non-necessary services.
9. Visiting patients at medical treatments establishments is banned, alongside visiting prisoners at incarceration facilities.
10. SPA, rehabilitation services are banned if they are not related to treatment. The operation of hair and beauty salons is banned.
11. The number of passengers on intercity buses and trains is restricted to maintain the necessary distance among passengers. The recommendation is also to apply the requirement to city transport.
12. Hotels, if necessary, will have to allow people to stay during quarantine, and the state will pay for that.
13. Educational establishments remain closed.
14. Planned operations are postponed at medical establishments, excluding necessary medical assistance. Rehabilitation and dental services are cancelled, alongside planned vaccination.
15. Workers of both the public and private sectors are recommended to work from home.
Failure to comply with these instructions would lead to administrative and criminal liability.
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