Covid-19, Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Health, Medicine

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 24.10.2024, 21:51

3 more people in Estonia test positive for coronavirus

BC, Tallinn, 11.03.2020.Print version
Samples taken by the Estonian Health Board from two adult residents of Saaremaa island and from one Tallinn resident tested positive for the novel coronavirus, reported LETA/BNS.

The Tallinn resident likely contracted the virus while traveling in a high-risk area, whereas the two residents of Saaremaa may have caught the infection from volleyball players who visited the island, spokespeople for the Health Board said. 

Kadri Juhkam, head of the Health Board's west district, said that both affected Saaremaa residents may have come into contact with foreign volleyball players who visited the island in early March. 

"The organizer of the event had affirmed that the players who arrived from Italy were healthy. We also gave the organizer of the competition specific guidelines for ensuring safety at the event," Juhkam said, adding that health safety at the event is the organizer's responsibility.

The Health Board has contacted all the affected people and they are being treated at home.

In total, 16 coronavirus cases have been registered in Estonia.

According to the Health Board, the virus risk areas include China, Italy, Iran and South Korea. The risk of infection is high for people in countries with widespread local spread.

People who suspect that they are infected should consult with their family doctor or make a call to the family doctor hotline 1220. In case of more serious symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, a call should be made to the emergency number 112. People should definitely not go to the emergency room of a hospital for help, as this may cause the person to spread the virus to other people in the room.

Coronavirus should be suspected if the person has been in a risk area within the past 14 days, has been exposed to the coronavirus, and has symptoms characteristic of the disease, such as cough, fever and/or breathing difficulties. Otherwise, it may be the flu or a flu-like virus that is widespread in Estonia.

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