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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Sunday, 16.02.2025, 16:43
EU ministers reach agreement on fishing quotas

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The ministers also endorsed the presidency's conclusions on front-of-pack nutrition labeling (FOPNL), nutrient profiles and origin labeling, spokespeople for the Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs said.
Estonia approved the conclusions concerning the animal welfare label, noting that a high level of animal health and animal welfare is an important prerequisite for the promotion of an animal keeping and food production culture that is ethical and meets society's expectations.
As regards FOPNL, similar unanimity was not achieved, which means that the conclusions of the German presidency were approved.
The European Commission has made a proposal to harmonize the presentation of mandatory nutrition information on the front of the package in order for consumers to be able to make healthy diet choices, and considered a proposal to expand the mandatory requirements concerning origin for some products, in view of its impact on the single market. No EU-wide harmonized system of front-of-pack nutrition labeling has been introduced yet.
Estonia supported the creation of a system of mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labeling, adding that consumers must be informed when the new system is introduced.
The Commission will conduct an impact assessment both when it comes to animal welfare and front-of-pack nutrition labeling, from which the need to make legislative proposals should become clear.
Alongside the achievement achieved on the catch limits for over 200 commercial fish stocks in the Atlantic, the North Sea, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea for 2021, Croatia presented a proposal to extend the validity of the crisis measures of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, which was supported by 14 member states. The commissioner said that the Commission has no plan to make such proposal and everyone should rather focus on preparing for the new program period.
The ministers also discussed the state of play when it comes to the reform of the common agricultural policy. For many it was important to stick to the agreement achieved on the level of the Council in October and not to be too welcoming towards the proposals of the European Parliament and the European Commission.
"For us it's important to achieve sufficient flexibility for the member states in the implementation of the policy. This means, for instance, cross-pillar handling of the so-called green architecture, as well as taking into account the baseline year for permanent grassland," Kokk said.
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