Cooperation, Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Internet, Technology
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Friday, 06.12.2024, 18:25
Iceland to conduct high-level virtual visit to Estonia
BC, Tallinn, 25.11.2020.Print version
Iceland is to conduct a high-level virtual visit to Estonia on Wednesday; the visit will also include a business delegation, writes LETA/BNS.
The virtual visit will be attended by Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Reinsalu and his Icelandic counterpart Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, as well as experts and businesses in the area of digitization, spokespeople for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told.
The visit, which is to focus on the e-state and fighting COVID-19 by digital means, will consist of two parts -- a high-level virtual meeting open to all participants and private bilateral meetings.
Taking part in the meeting will be Estonian enterprises Cybernetica, Gofore, Cognuse, Mobi Lab and Dermtest, and Icelandic businesses PayAnalytics, Curron, Proency, Kara Connect, Taktikal and Flow VR.
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