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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 24.10.2024, 21:52

Mayor of Tallinn Savisaar invites mayor of Moscow Luzhkov to Tallinn

BC, Tallinn, 19.02.2010.Print version

The Mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar has invited mayor of Moscow Juri Luzhkov to participate at the Moscow Festival in Tallinn at the end of May, LETA/Eesti Päevaleht writes.


The Moscow culture festival is a response to the Tallinn’s culture festival that took place in Moscow in 2008 when Saavisaar was a guest of Lushkov.


The culture festival takes place on May 26-29. A delegation of the Moscow culture department is on a visit to Tallinn at present to review performance locations and make final proposals as to the programme.


Luzhkov has not yet announced of his either accepting or rejecting the invitation.

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