Analytics, Employment, Labour-market, Latvia, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 19.02.2025, 23:37

In September, actual unemployment rate constituted 8.1% in Latvia

Zaiga Priede, Statistics Latvia, Riga, 22.10.2020.Print version
Data of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) conducted by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) show thatin September 2020 actual unemployment rate comprised 8.1 %, which is 0.5 percentage points less than in August. Unemployment rate registered by the State Employment Agency (SEA) accounted for 7.7 %, and, compared to August has decreased by 0.5 percentage points.

Unemployment rate increase may be observed when comparing the data to the September of the previous year – of 2.3 percentage points in actual unemployment rate and 2 percentage points in registered unemployment rate.

In September 2020 there were 79.6 thousand unemployed in Latvia, which is 4.4 thousand less than in August and 23.4 thousand more than in the respective period of the previous year. During the last 7 months since the declaration of emergency situation, compared to the actual monthly unemployment data of February 2020, the number of unemployed has increased by 8 thousand.

Registered and actual unemployment rate is calculated based on the SEA data and results of LFS conducted by the CSB. SEA data are only on population of working age.

CSB reminds that during the time of change information on population employment is important to assess impact of the current situation on the national economic and social processes and therefore is asking population to be active and participate in surveys. CSB would like to say thank you to everyone who took part in surveys and helped to assess the effect of the current situation on national processes. 


Information on unemployment rate and number of unemployed persons aged 15–74 by sex and month is available in the database table – NB002m.

Registered unemployment rate by month is available on the – SEA website.

Methodology used for the CSB monthly estimates is published in the website section Employment and unemployment.

Seasonal Adjustment of Time Series During COVID-19 Crisis

Socio-economic indicators of the emergency situation are available on the CSB website.

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