Analytics, Employment, Estonia, Labour-market, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 15.01.2025, 00:37

Survey: Nearly half of employers in Estonia plan to hire new employees in near future

BC, Tallinn, 21.10.2020.Print version
According to the preliminary results of the fall labor market survey of the Salary Information Agency and the labor portal, 46 percent of the surveyed employers plan to hire new employees in the coming months, writes LETA/BNS.

The survey of employers also revealed that the biggest drop in wages was in the spring, and most employers do not intend to lower wages in the coming months. According to, 20% of the surveyed employers plan to raise wages in the next six months, which is nevertheless significantly lower than a year ago, when the indicator was 43%.

The survey also found that 2% of the responding organizations plan to restore pre-crisis wage levels, and more than half of employers, or 55% of respondents, plan to keep wage levels at current levels.

According to the survey, specialists and skilled workers have the most hope for wage growth, while customer service staff, office workers and unskilled workers have the least hope.

"All in all, we can see from the results of the survey that almost half of the organizations are currently ready to actively recruit, a third plan to meet the new year with existing employees, 6% see the need to lay off instead, and the rest have not yet decided on recruitment plans for the coming months," Henry Auvaart, head of marketing at, said.

He added that the majority of employers with recruitment plans plan to hire new employees to replace outgoing employees and/or for seasonal jobs, but one in five employers, or 21 percent of respondents, also plan to create new jobs this year. and the Salary Information Agency conduct a joint employer survey twice a year. The preliminary results of the survey are based on the feedback of 443 employers, who employ a total of about 40,000 employees across Estonia.

In November, the survey will continue with a thorough pay survey of organizations and an employee survey.

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