EU – Baltic States, Latvia, Legislation, Railways, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 14.09.2024, 07:11

Rail Baltica project will improve connectivity among parts of Riga

BC, Riga, 26.10.2020.Print version
The Rail Baltica railway project will improve connectivity among the parts of Riga, said Agnis Driksna, Agnis Driksna, chairperson of the management board of the Rail Baltic joint venture RB Rail, cites LETA/BNS.

Commenting on the concerns raised by the Latvian Association of Architects about fragmentation and division of the city, Driksna said that it is not possible to put the whole railway line in the city on overpasses.

Rail Baltica route will basically be on the current railway lines. In order to improve connectivity in the city, there will be various crossings of the railway line - tunnels, overpasses, etc.

"The design and planning phase is still ongoing, we are receiving the last comments on the project, looking for the best solutions for crossings," he said.

The Latvian Association of Architects have sent an open letter to Transport Minister Talis Linkaits (New Conservative Party), Riga Mayor Martins Stakis (For Development/For) and RB Rail, saying that implementation of the project will bring along serious consequences in the city. The transport infrastructure project should be planned based on principle "railway for people and city", and not the other way rounds.

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