Analytics, Good for Business, Industry, Latvia, Statistics

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 26.10.2024, 20:44

Manufacturing production output in Latvia increased by 1% in October

Madara Liepiņa Industrial and Construction Statistics Section, 04.12.2020.Print version
Data compiled by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) show that in October 2020, compared to October 2019, the volume of manufacturing production output1 according to calendar adjusted data at constant prices increased by 1%

Production output increase was also in mining and quarrying - by 14.2%. In turn, the supply of electricity and gas decreased by 17.5% due to a decrease in the volume of electricity produced in hydroelectric power plants and combined heat and power (CHP) plants as well as in gas supply to consumers. Total industrial production output increased by 1.2%.

In October this year, out of a total of 22 manufacturing industries, 12 industries showed a production output rise, including two out of the three industries having the largest share in industrial production - manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, and manufacture of food products (increase by 8.2% and 2.5% respectively).  

Compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, the increase in production output was in the manufacture of electrical equipment - by 19.8%, in printing and reproduction of recorded media - by 11.4% and in the manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products; for the first month of this year an increase in production by 9.7% was also registered in the production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers.

In turn, the decline in production output was still registered in the manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations and in the repair and installation of machinery and equipment - by 32%. Output also decreased in the manufacture of wearing apparel - by 11.7%, in the manufacture of beverages - by 9.5% and in the manufacturing sector having the third largest share in industrial production - in the manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment - by 6.9%.

In October 2020, compared to September 2020, according to seasonally adjusted data at constant prices, manufacturing output increased by 0.9%, but production output decreased in electricity and gas supply - by 4.2% and in mining and quarrying - by 4.1%. Total industrial production output decreased by 0.1%.

Changes in industrial production output
(as per cent, at constant prices)


January–October 2020

compared to January-October

2019 (calendar adjusted)

October 2020, compared to

September  2020 (seasonally adjusted)

October 2019

(calendar adjusted)

Total industrial production




Mining and quarrying








Manufacture of food products




Manufacture of beverages




Manufacture of textiles




Manufacture of wearing apparel




Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture




Manufacture of paper and paper products




Printing and reproduction of recorded media




Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products




Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products




Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment




Manufacture of electrical equipment




Manufacture of machinery and equipment




Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers




Manufacture of furniture




Repair and installation of machinery and equipment*




Electricity and gas supply




* Repair and maintenance of ships and boats, repair and maintenance of all kinds of equipment and devices, installation of industrial machinery and equipment

Manufacturing turnover

Compared to October 2019, in October 2020 manufacturing turnover, according to calendar adjusted data at current prices, increased by 5.2%. The increase in turnover was in exports - by 10.4% (including in the euro area - by 9.8%, and in non-euro area - by 10.9%), while in the domestic market the turnover decreased by 3.9%.

In October 2020, compared to September 2020, manufacturing turnover, according to seasonally adjusted data, increased by 4.3%. Turnover increased by 1.3% in the domestic market and by 5.9% in exports (including 9.9 % in the euro area, and increase by 2.8% in the non-euro area).

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