Analytics, Estonia, Financial Services, Good for Business, Markets and Companies, Wages

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 07.03.2025, 04:16

Median salary in Estonia rises to EUR 1,189 in Q3

BC, Tallinn, 27.11.2020.Print version
According to Statistics Estonia, the median wage increased by 19 euros or 1.6% to 1,189 euros in the third quarter of this year compared to the previous quarter, cites LETA/BNS.

A change in the number of employment relationships in the quarterly comparison can particularly be seen in the accommodation and catering industry, which are most affected by the crisis, and among young workers, Statistics Estonia said.

Compared to the second quarter, the data of Statistics Estonia show a small increase in the median salary for some occupations. Data scientist Kadri Rootalu said that there were occupations in the second quarter the wages of which fell sharply, such as dental staff.

"In the third quarter, when there were no more restrictions, their wages rose again and even above pre-crisis levels," she added.

Rootalu also pointed out that according to the data for the third quarter, the number of employees in professions such as servers and waiters as well as bartenders has decreased.

"Nevertheless, no significant change can be observed in the median salary of people working in this field. However, both the number of employees and salaries of travel agents' customer service staff have decreased significantly," the data scientist said.

She also pointed out that while in the second quarter the number of employees in different age groups decreased evenly, in the third quarter young workers under the age of 25 foremost left the labor market.

"The biggest decline was in the accommodation and food service activities and other service-related occupations, which suffered the most from the coronavirus crisis. Compared to the end of the first quarter, the number of hotel administrators, barmen and barmaids in this age group has decreased by 35%, the number of waiters and servers by 30%. The people to have lost their jobs among travel agency staff have also foremost been younger people," Rootalu said.

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