Good for Business, Lithuania, Logistics, Mergers and take-overs, Transport
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Friday, 24.01.2025, 05:11
Vinges Terminalas buys logistics center near Vilnius for EUR 10 mln
BC, Vilnius, 26.11.2020.Print version
Vinges Terminalas, a Lithuanian logistics company, has bought a logistics center near Vilnius back from Norwegian-owned BCP Logistic Property III for almost 10 mln euros, reported LETA/BNS.
Vinges Terminalas built the 18,000-square-meter logistics
center in the village of Sausiai back in 2008.
"Due to the need for capital to further develop and
expand their main business, the logistics center was sold to the
Norwegian-capital fund. Now, over a decade later, Vinges Terminalas has bought
the logistics center back," Newsec, a real estate consultancy that advised
on the sale, said.
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