Covid-19, Crisis, Good for Business, Health, Latvia, Medicine

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 26.10.2024, 20:43

Only groups of two people or families can gather at once in public places during state of emergency period

BC, Riga , 29.03.2020.Print version
From today, only groups of up to two people can gather at once in outdoor and indoor public spaces, Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins (New Era) said during a press conference today.

Photo BC

These new restrictions do not apply to persons conducting essential work, or direct family members.

Karins called the new measure ''two plus two'', meaning that a maximum number of two persons can gather together at one time, and must stay at least a two-meter distance away from other people. 

Karins said that these additional measures have been introduced to help battle the spread of Covid-19.

"In order for us to achieve this, our government has gradually made decisions to preempt the spread of the virus. In other countries, governments are reacting to the development of events. However, in Latvia, we are being proactive in preempting events and limiting the spread of the virus," Karins explained.

Violations of these orders issued by the government can either be administratively or criminally penalized, Vinkele reminded. A great deal of control and responsibility now lies with the State Police, who may also call on the municipal police for assistance, the minister explained. She said that the Health Inspectorate will also be carrying out inspections.

If found in administrative violation of the new measures, persons can receive a fine of up to EUR 350. However, if found in criminal violation of the new measures, persons can receive a fine, community service or a prison sentence of up to three years.

Meanwhile, Health Miniser Ilze Vinkele (For Development) said that those workers who must work in groups, their employers are responsible for their safety.

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