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Sixt sells its bike rental business to Evlab

BC, Riga, 05.03.2020.Print version
Latvia's leading short-term and long-term car rental service provider Sixt has stopped providing bicycle share rental in Riga and Jurmala by selling it to company Evlab, operating under the brand of Nextbike Latvia, Sixt representatives reported.

The new Nextbike representative of the international bike rental provision system in Latvia is going to continue to provide the service and bicycles will be available from the beginning of the cycling season.

The sum of the deal is not disclosed.  

Arnis Jaudzems, Sixt General Manager in the Baltic states, said that the company has been providing bike share rental in Latvia for six years. "After successfully serving tens of thousands of cycle rides, we have decided to fully focus on our core business, meeting the growing demand in the field of short-term car rental, long-term car leasing and fleet management services. The company's turnover has grown annually by 20% every year, maintaining the role of a stable leader not only in Latvia, but also in the Baltics. The unaudited consolidated turnover in the Baltics in 2019 amounts to EUR 30 mln. In order to continue providing the best car service, we want to focus fully on these fields in the future,” he said.

The bicycle-sharing service in Latvia is part of the international bicycle-sharing system Nextbike, which is among the leading providers of such service in the world. More than 40 bicycles are available to customers in 26 countries, such as Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey and others. In total bicycles are available in more than 200 cities.

Customers who have signed up for the Sixt bike rental services in the Nextbike system and want to receive the unused deposit, must apply on the homepage by specifying their name, surname, mobile phone number used for signing up to the system and the amount of the deposit they want to receive. 

Whereas, customers who want to continue using bike rental services in Riga do not need to perform a new registration. The deposit of Sixt bike rental accrued by each customer will automatically be available in the new Nextbike Latvia network, as well as in any country in the world where the service is provided within the framework of the particular system. 

Evlab was registered in 2019 and has a share capital of EUR 10, according to The company belongs to Marcis Blumbergs.

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