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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 24.10.2024, 21:51

Covid-19: Latvia to suspend all international passenger transportation

BC, Riga, 14.03.2020.Print version
In order to prevent the further spread of the Covid-19 cornavirus outbreak in the country, the government today had decided that all international passenger transportation will be suspended from March 17 to April 14, Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins (New Unity) told members of the press today.

This includes all international air, rail, sea and road passenger transportation.

Minister of Transport Talis Linkaits (New Conservative Party) added that these new restrictions will come into force from midnight on March 17.

All passenger carriers must now make every effort to stop their services by Tuesday.

Linkaits said that travel opportunities in Europe and around the world are diminishing, and Latvian nationals who are currently abroad and wish to return to Latvia by this deadline must themselves look into ways to return to the country. He added that Latvians who are abroad have the opportunity to re-register their flight tickets, but to do so they have to contact their carrier. Failure to do so will most likely lead to risks of remaining in the country they are currently located for the time being.

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