Covid-19, EU – Baltic States, Health, Latvia, Medicine

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 19.02.2025, 20:09

Latvia's first coronavirus patient to be discharged from hospital Tuesday

BC, Riga, 03.03.2020.Print version
The woman who became Latvia's first case of coronavirus Covid-19, is to leave the Latvian Center of Infectious Diseases on Tuesday and will continue to recuperate at home, Ilga Namniece, a representative of Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital, informed LETA.

The woman only had mild symptoms of the disease and her repeated Covid-19 test came back negative. She has received medical advice and told to spend 14 days in self-insolation. The woman has also been instructed to get in touch with her family physician.

The patient's daughter, who had been ill but tested negative for the coronavirus infection, will be released from the hospital together with her mom.


Namniece would not elaborate on the patient's treatment.

As reported, Latvia confirmed its first coronavirus case on Monday. 

Last Saturday, February 29, the woman flew in Riga from Munich after a trip to a virus-stricken region in Italy. After she and her child felt unwell, they were tested for Covid-19 and the mother's test result was positive.

Both the mother and child were quarantined at the Center of Infectious Diseases and Latvian health authorities called a news conference last night.

The health authorities said they had already obtained all the necessary information about the trip and the passengers of the flight. They have identified the people who sat close to the infected woman. There were 145 people on board the plane with the infected woman, and 24 of them have been identified as having been in contact with the her, including her family. Eight of these people are citizens of Latvia.

Those who have been in close contact with the woman will be quarantined and monitored.

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