Analytics, EU – Baltic States, Health, Latvia, Markets and Companies, Society

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 17.02.2025, 22:35

Every 5th inhabitant in Latvia evaluates their oral health as bad or very bad

Anita Švarckopfa, Statistics Latvia, Riga, 07.12.2020.Print version
Results of European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) conducted by Central Statistical Bureau show that in 2019, the condition of teeth and gums was assessed as good and very good by 45.8 % of the population, and as bad or very bad - by every fifth inhabitant of Latvia (20.0%).

There are insignificant fluctuations in the answers by gender of the respondent, whereas the differences in the answers by age of the respondent are more pronounced. In the age group 35–44, one in ten persons has poor or very poor dental and gum condition (11.5 %), while in the age group 55–64, one in three persons (29.3 %) and almost half of people in the age group over 75 (43.1 %).

Almost every fifth inhabitant (17.8 %) who needed to visit a dentist in the last 12 months did not do so for financial reasons. 38.9 % of this part of the population had poor or very poor dental and gum health.

6 thousand inhabitants of Latvia aged 15 and over were surveyed during EHIS, and their answers were generalized to all residents of the respective age. It clarified the well-being and subjective opinion of the population about their health, gave a self-assessment of lifestyle, use and availability of health care services in relation to the socio-economic indicators of the population.

Information on other survey topics (consumption of fruits and vegetables, use of medication etc.) will be published in the first half of 2021. The first data by European countries will be published in the Eurostat database in the 1st quarter of 2021.

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