Ecology, Energy, Estonia, Legislation, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Tuesday, 15.10.2024, 18:41

Estonian police will start using electric cars before summer

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 18.04.2012.Print version
Since 75 electric cars earmarked for Estonian social workers were left over during the recent campaign as not all municipalities applied for them, they will be distributed among state institutions and 19 will be channelled to the police for non-operative tasks, LETA/Postimees writes.

"According to current plans, the electric vehicles will be used for non-operating work tasks, since for example in cold winter weather, using an electric car as a patrol car might not be the most optimal choice," said Police and Border Guard logistics bureau head Tauno Tuisk. "At the same time we are on the position that every electric vehicle gives the police a bit more room for action and flexibility."


Interior Ministry legal and administrative department acting head Anu Neemelo said that the Police and Border Guard Board has been allocated 19 vehicles that can go into use before summer.


The Social Ministry received 507 electric cars in the framework of Estonia selling CO2 quota and distributed 432 of them to social workers across Estonia. The 75 cars that were left over will now be distributed among other state institutions that applied for them.

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