Estonia, Legislation, Society, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 03:31

Mayor of Tallinn: public transport will be free from 2013

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 26.03.2012.Print version
Public transport in Estonia's capital Tallinn will be free of charge from 2013, mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar commented the 75.5% support to the idea given at the referendum that ended on Sunday, LETA/Äripä reports.

"If they say that there are around 100,000 people in Tallinn who use the public transport daily, we can say that two thirsd of them are for free public transport," Savisaar said.


68,059 people participated in the poll that lasted for the whole of last week. That would form nearly 20% of the number of city residents who corresponded to participation requirements.


"Tallinn is an innovative city. With this step the first capital where such an idea in such a scope will be implemented," Savisaar added.


The referendum in Tallinn was previously criticised for its high cost as the city opened 40 polling stations for it, as well as the advertising campaign that called people to vote for free public transport, not over it.


According to plans, the public transport would be free for city residents only, and city officials said that hopefully the number of the city's official residents would also grow now.

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