Latvia, Logistics, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 17.06.2024, 09:29

JYSK opens Baltic-Balkan center of logistics

Alla Petrova, BC, Riga, 19.09.2008.Print version
Today, the household goods retailer JYSK will ceremoniously open the new logistics center, that will serve the Baltic and the Balkan regions.

JYSK Baltija & Balkani Financial and Administrative Director Austris Krumins informed LETA that present at the opening event will be managers of the company, cooperation partners, representatives of logistics enterprises and officials, representing Garkalnes District, where the new logistics center is located.


Floor space is 15,000 square meters, but already in the nearest future the company plans to double the capacity of its premises. The center supplies 33 stores, but it is planned that by the end of 2009 the number will grow to 40 stores.


JYSK is an Icelandic-holding company, operating under the Danish franchise JYSK and sells wide range of household goods. JYSK has over 1,000 stores worldwide – in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Greenland, Iceland, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Spain and U.S.


The first JYSK outlet in the Baltic States was opened in 2001, at the shopping mall "Alfa". In 2008, there are altogether 23 JYSK stores in the Baltic States – eight in Latvia, six – in Estonia and nine – in Lithuania.

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