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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 02.12.2024, 12:21

Autoliv is moving manufacturing operations to Russia, but not from Estonia

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 12.01.2012.Print version
Swedish business newspaper Dagens Industri wrote that Autoliv is moving manufacturing operations from Estonia, Sweden and from Romania to two new plants in Russia, writes Äripä

Autoliv stated that some of Dagens Industri’s claims are false.

Autoliv’s director of development and the head of the company’s Russian project Gustaf Celsing stated that the move is caused by the Russian customs policy that favours manufacturing for the Russian car industry within the country. If 30% of the manufacturing operations are transferred to Russia, major Western car producers are relieved from import duties.

Autoliv AB’s communications director Henrik Kaar refuted some of Dagens Industri’s claims. He noted that no manufacturing operations will be moved from Estonia to Russia – the move is to concern the plans in Romania and Sweden. “In future, we in focus in Estonia rather more on producing components and will rather transfer manufacturing operations from Central European countries to Estonia,” said Kaar, when discussing long-term plans. He added that Norma will continue operating in Estonia.

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