Alcohol, Legislation, Lithuania, Markets and Companies, Taxation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 13.01.2025, 01:45

Excises for alcohol and tobacco in Lithuania to be raised in spring 2014

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 03.07.2013.Print version
The spring 2014 will be marked by increase in the prices of alcohol and tobacco in Lithuania. On Tuesday, the Seimas has confirmed the Government's proposal for increase in excises, reports LETA/ELTA, referring to Lietuvos rytas.

The prices of tobacco will increase in March while the prices of alcohol – in April. The prices of tobacco will increase for LTL 0.3, the can of beer for LTL 0.03, wine – 0.16 and vodka for LTL 0.58.


Some of the members of the Seimas offered the excise for wine to be raise more than the Government asked, however, such an initiative was rejected by the Seimas because of the disinclination to cause damage for state's producers of wine. The proposal to increase the prices of cocktails containing alcohol was rejected as well. The majority of the Seimas rejected the proposal to increase the prices of vodka more than the Government offered.


While discussing this question, parliamentary Linas Balsys made a remark that vodka should be prohibited at all and people fallowing the example of France should drink wine.

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