Alcohol, Estonia, Legislation, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 17.02.2025, 21:39

Estonian government mulls stricter rules on alcohol

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 05.12.2012.Print version
The Social Affairs Ministry of Estonia proposed more rigid rules related to alcohol use – including raising the official drinking age, stricter rules on advertising, and "dry days“, the Estonian national broadcasting corporation ERR reports.

The government proposed the so-called alcohol-free days which, according to the Traders' Association head Marika Merilaiu would make people buy spirits in advance and even drink more, writes LETA.


Nevertheless, raising awareness is the most important way to improve alcohol-related problems in society, she said.


Supporting the proposed amendments, the chairman of Parliament's Social Affairs Committee, Margus Tsahkna, said any restriction on alcohol consumption has a positive effect.


The Social Affairs Ministry has put forth a draft law that would make June 1 and September 1 national alcohol-free days.


As reported, Estonian Riigikogu approved at its Friday night session the law amendment that raises alcohol excise tax by 5% a year in the next four years.


All MPs present voted for the amendment.


The government has confirmed that the long-term plan of raising excise taxes helps producers plan their activities better. The law comes in force on January 1.

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