Alcohol, Financial Services, Latvia, Legislation, Markets and Companies, Taxation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 19.02.2025, 19:35

Saeima supports increasing excise tax on alcohol, gasoline and cigarettes in Latvia

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 07.04.2011.Print version
Today, Latvian Saeima supported in principle in the first reading an increase in the excise tax on liquor, cigarettes and gasoline.

The tax rate will be raised from July 1 of this year, and is part of amendments to this year's budget, informs LETA.


The increased excise tax will bring in an additional LVL 14.53 million in income this year, but in 2012 – LVL 37.56 million.


According to the amendments, the excise duty for liquor will be increased from LVL 890 to LVL 940 per 100 liters of pure alcohol.


The excise duty for gasoline will be increased from LVL 269 to LVL 289 per 1,000 liters, which will increase the price of gasoline by approximately two santims per liter.


There will also be a gradual increase in the excise duty for cigarettes, so that by 2018 the excise duty reaches the European Union's minimum.

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