Estonia, Markets and Companies, Tourism, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 07:14

Number of passengers of Eurolines Baltic grew by 33% in H1

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 24.07.2009.Print version
The number of passengers travelling with MootorReisi AS that operates under the brand of Eurolines Baltic grew by 33% in the first half of the year 2009, writes Postimees Online/LETA.

Eurolines stated that in the first half of the year, MootorReisi AS carried 118,302 passengers with tickets. The operating volume – i.e. the number of route kilometres – was by 29% higher than a year ago.


The volume growth mostly came from extending the network of routes between Latvia and Lithuania. While in the first half of 2009, the transport volume between Riga and Vilnius and Riga and Klaipeda amounted to 670,000 route kilometres, in 2008 this number was only 42,000 kilometres.


Route traffic turnover grew by 35% in the year-on-year comparison, to 29.1 million kroons.


Net revenue per route kilometre grew by 5% in the first half of the year while costs per route kilometre did not change in comparison to the year 2008.


On the routes with comparable transport volume the number of passengers grew by 9% on the Tallinn-Riga route, by 32% on the Tallinn-St Petersburg route and by 35% on the Riga-St Petersburg route. At the same time, the number of passengers decreased by more than 50% on the routes between Riga and Kaliningrad and Riga and Warsaw.


In June 2009, the major shareholder of MootorReisid AS Hugo Osula acquired 40% of shares in the company from the German operator Deutsche Touring Gmbh and became the sold proprietor of the enterprise.

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