Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Legislation, Markets and Companies, Technology

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 20.09.2024, 02:19

Journalist Edward Lucas will become the first Estonian e-resident

BC, Tallinn, 27.11.2014.Print version
Estonia's first e-resident will be British journalist and columnist Edward Lucas, Minister of Internal Affairs Hanno Pevkur said on Thursday at the government press conference, LETA/Delfi reports.

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves will hand over the e-resident's ID card to Edward Lucas on 1 December, at 16:00.


Lucas has done a lot of publicity in the world to Estonia and he gets the Estonian e-residency without submitting an application.


Next week, the internationally ambitious plan is launched during which all European Union and third-countries nationals, who are not residents of Estonia, can apply for Estonian e-residency.


E-resident is a foreigner for whom Estonia creates a digital identity, based on the identity of their citizenship state and will issue a digital identity card. E-residents will get access to Estonia's e-solutions like the comfortable possibility of creating in one day a company and bank account.


Estonian Economy and Communications Ministry IT Undersecretary Taavi Kotka has stressed that the main role of the state regarding e-residency is to develop a platform for business possibilities.

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