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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 03:23

Estonia ranked first worldwide in terms of broadband Internet speeds

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 27.01.2012.Print version
The broadband testing and web-based network diagnostic company Ookla has ranked Latvia fourth in the world in terms of broadband Internet speeds, according to the company's Net Index.

According to Net Index, the fastest broadband Internet speed is in Estonia, where the average download speed amounts to 46.35 Mbps, Lithuania – 31.97 Mbps, and South Korea – 31.03 Mbps.

Based on millions of recent test results from, this index compares and ranks consumer download speeds around the globe, writes LETA.

The average download speed in Latvia is at 25.59 Mbps.

Sweden, Romania, the Netherlands, Singapore, Bulgaria and Luxembourg are also listed among the top ten countries with the highest download speeds around the world.

Among the cities, Tallinn is leading with 59.14 Mbps, followed by Vilnius – 36.95 Mbps, Hong Kong – 36.21 Mbps. Riga is in eighth place with 28.62 Mbps.

The average download speed across the European Union – 13.20 Mbps.

Latvia has also the fourth fastest upload speed – 15.70 Mbps. South Korea is listed above all other countries with 27.25 Mbps, Estonia – 25.44 Mbps, Lithuania – 24.01 Mbps. Luxembourg, Singapore, Bulgaria, Romania, Japan and Moldova are also listed here.

The highest upload speed is in Tallinn – 33.7 Mbps, Vilnius – 30.61 Mbps, and Seoul – 27.77 Mbps. Riga is eighth – 17.63 Mbps.

The average figure in the EU – 3.94 Mbps.

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