Education and Science, Estonia, Good for Business, Innovations, Internet, Technology

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 24.01.2025, 01:50

Estonia: TalTech, Telia launch Internet of Things, 5G test platform

BC, Tallinn, 20.10.2020.Print version
Researchers and students of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) in cooperation with telecommunications company Telia experts launched the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G technology test platform.

Startups and other companies can test their products and services on the platform in real time and gather feedback from industry and researchers, TalTech said.

"Together with Telia, we built a test network, which we have used to develop a more detailed energy usage model and find out how much energy the Narrow-band-IoT device uses when connecting to the base station, exchanging data, reconnecting or in energy saving mode," Muhammad Mahtab Alam, head of the Narrow-band-IoT research group at TalTech, said.

In addition to the Internet of Things, Alam's group is researching another new technology, 5G. 

Two years ago, TalTech, together with Telia and Ericsson, opened Estonia's first 5G pilot network on campus, which also aims to be open to research and the promotion of innovation for both companies and research institutions.

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