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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 07:50

Baltics keen to test self-driving cars on Via Baltica

BC, Riga, 05.10.2018.Print version
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania intend to cooperate to equip the Via Baltica highway with a 5G network to develop novel transport systems and test self-drivig cars, among other things, reported LETA/BNS.

The three countries signed a memorandum on Sept. 28 by which they agreed to seek for a gradual deployment of 4G+ , 4G++ and finally 5G network along the section of the Via Baltica Tallinn-Riga-Kaunas-Lithuanian/Polish border to improve interoperable driving for autonomous vehicles.

The objective of the memorandum is to promote connected automated driving (CAD) and with the aim to improve sustainable mobility, improve traffic safety and foster innovations.

The parties agree to aim at reaching this objective as soon as possible taking into account the multiannual financial framework from 2021 to 2027. The parties also agree to cooperate with other countries to ensure further connections of the CAD cross border section.

The memorandum was signed by Estonia's Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology Rene Tammist, Latvian Transport Minister Uldis Augulis and Lithuania's Minister of Transport and Communications Rokas Masiulis.

Within the framework of the Digital Day, 29 European countries, members of the European Union and of the European Economic Area, signed a letter of intent to intensify cooperation on testing of automated road transport in cross border test sites. According to the letter of intent, member states will work together on cross-border sections, itineraries or corridors to conduct and facilitate research, tests and large scale demonstrations notably on road safety, data access, data quality and liability, connectivity and on digital technologies. They will also support the availability of the necessary radio spectrum resources for cooperative, connected and automated mobility and appoint contact persons for other member states and the Commission to work with.

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