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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 17:07

Vilnius to invest 39 mln euros into public transport, to buy electric, hybrid buses

BC, Vilniaus, 29.08.2018.Print version
Vilnius authorities plan to invest another 38.5 mln euros for upgrading the public transport system and by 135 new buses. The Lithuanian capital will purchase electric and hybrid buses for the first time, informs LETA/BNS.

Five electric and 70 hybrid buses will join the fleet in Vilnius by 2020. The municipality also plans to buy 50 LNG-power buses and 10 smaller diesel buses. A tender for the purchase of new buses will be announced by the end of this year.

Vilnius authorities say that after the fleet upgrade the oldest buses will be five years old.

Part of the bus fleet in Vilnius has already been upgraded, with private carrier Transrevis and Latvia's Rigas Mikroautobusu Satiksme using 100 new buses, and Vilniaus Viesasis Transportas (Vilnius Public Transport) plans to acquire another 150 new buses and 41 trolleybuses by the end of this year.

Poland's Solaris Bus & Coach won a tender, announced last year, for the purchase of 150 buses in a 40.5 mln-euro deal funded by Luminor. 15.8 mln euros will be also paid for 21 Solaris trolleybuses.

The existing buses in Vilnius are powered by LNG and diesel.


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