Construction, Energy, Estonia, Good for Business, Investments

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 16.02.2025, 16:00

Largest wind park construction in the Baltics to begin in Aidu quarry

BC, Tallinn, 10.09.2015.Print version
Board chairman of Aidu Tuulepark (Aidu Wind Farm) Andres Sõnajalg signed on Wednesday with the parish governor of Lüganuse parish in North East Estonia the building lease transfer agreement, which allows the start of construction of the largest Baltic states' wind farm costing 165 million euros, Äripä report.

The Baltic States' largest wind power plant to be erected in the area of the former Aidu quarry will have a total capacity of 100 MW. "This is the first "Made in Estonia" wind energy farm in the world. The wind energy generators will be produced by Estonian company Eleon AS and the technology to be used is created in Estonia as well as a major part of the wind turbine components will be produced in Estonia," said Andres Sõnajalg.


30 large, 3 megawatt Eleon new generation wind turbines will be erected. Eleon's wind turbines have a tower height of 135 meters and a rotor diameter of 120 meters. The wind power plant construction is divided into three phases, and the first turbines will be erected in 2016.


The total amount of the investment is 165 million euros. The first phase is financed by UniCredit Leasing and Krediidipank.

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