China, Forum, Lithuania, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 23.10.2024, 11:25

Lithuania-China forum established in Lithuania

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 21.05.2009.Print version
Persons interested in cooperation with China or whose activities are related to China are urged to gather into the Lithuania-China forum, which was established at the Foreign Ministry of Lithuania on Thursday. The forum is aimed at strengthening the relations between Lithuania and China in business, culture, education, science and other areas, reported BC Lithuanian Foreign Ministry.

According to Foreign Minister Vygaudas Usackas, patron of the forum, both China and our country have a lot of things to learn from each other and there are unlimited possibilities for the expansion of activities. "I expect that the Lithuania-China forum will undoubtedly help to strengthen relations with this rapidly developing Asian country and one of the largest world's economies. The gravitational centre of politics and economy is moving to China," the minister said.


During the meeting, the initiative group was formed from various members of state institutions, non-governmental organizations, media, businesses and academia. The forum will be headed by Gabija Vitkeviciute, communication consultant of the private company Teise Ir Komunikacija (Law and Communication). The initiative group of the forum will meet once in three months.


The declaration on the establishment of the Lithuania-China forum signed by the initiative group notes that the participants in the forum will seek active and constructive discussion to set priorities in trade, economy, culture, education and science in the relations between Lithuania and China. The two countries will also cooperate in improving Lithuania's instruments of economic and cultural diplomacy in China, initiate joint projects, and forming Lithuania's image in China and China's image in our country. The forum will strive for the activity of Lithuanian businessmen, artists, scientists and researchers in China.


"Today China is one of the principal strategic partners of the European Union in Asia. It is the main Lithuania's trade partner in the region. The influence of this country, significance of its decisions to global process, including Lithuania as an integral part of the global world, economy and the public will only continue growing in the future," writes the declaration of establishment.


Foreign Minister Usackas will discuss possibilities of strengthening Lithuania's relations with China and other Asian countries together with his counterparts of Asian countries at the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Vietnam on May 25-28. In the course of this event, the minister will also present the first ASEM Transport Ministers' Meeting, which will take place on October 19-20 in Vilnius.

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