Estonia, Financial Services, Internet, Technology

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 02.12.2024, 11:09

A quarter of bills are sent as e-bills in Estonia

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 26.02.2010.Print version
The amount of e-bills sent in Estonia has increased fourfold in five years, LETA/Äripä cites Itella Information AS.

The e-bills portal that the company operates celebrates its fifth birthday. It has played an important part in raising the share of e-bills of all bills to 25%. “We are on the first position with that share in Europe,” said Itella Information AS CEO Ahti Allikas.


The portal has during that time sent 12 million e-bills, meaning that over 160 tonnes of paper and around 3,890 trees have been saved.

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