Energy, Estonia, EU – Baltic States

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 19.02.2025, 20:28

Electricity price in Estonia grew by 43.7% in June

BC, Tallinn, 17.07.2013.Print version
Electricity price in Estonia increased by 43.7% in June, reaching 53.4 euros per MWh, Estonian energy enterprise Eesti Energia said in a statement, cites LETA.

In Finland, price increased only by 3.4% averaging at 38.6 euros per MWh. The average price of newly formed Latvian bidding area was in June 54.5 euros per MWh. Electricity price in Lithuania increased by 36.9% to 54.8 euros per MWh.


The Nordic hydro reservoir levels close to long-term median. Crude oil end of month closing price turned out to 102.2 $/bbl. Carbon permits price monthly increase was 7%.


German 2014 base energy contract price level in slight downward trend. Coal price continuously decreasing because of the decline in demand.

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