Energy, Estonia, Legislation, USA

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 07:19

Eesti Energia: U.S. government threatens the end of the oil shale business

BC, Tallinn, 09.05.2013.Print version
The oil-shale oil production business plans of Estonian state-owned energy company Eesti Energia in the USA might come to an end if the amendments to the oil shale mining industry that were revealed at the end of March by the U.S. government come in force, LETA/Eesti Päevaleht writes.

The U.S. government has this spring made oil shale mining regulations tougher and wants to implement an even stricter energy policy. Eesti Energia's subsidiary Enefit fights in the state of Utah against the new tax and nature protection plans of the USA. If Obama's government approves of its oil-shale oil tax plan, the U.S. plans of Eesti Energia may have to be scrapped.


The biggest problem for the U.S. project of Eesti Energia is the new amendments to the oil shale mining plan that were revealed at the end of March by the U.S. government which include tougher taxation possibilities. Eesti Energia estimates that these go so far that they threaten to make it basically impossible to pursue the shale oil business.


It emerges from the desperate protest compiled against the federal government at the end of April by Eesti Energia, which in the USA operates under the name all Enefit American Oil (EAO). "The changes presented in the proposal that concern regulation of the industry using oil shale for commercial purposes threaten to strangle the American oil shale industry," Rikki Lauren Hrenko, who heads the U.S. subs fairy of Eesti Energia, announced in a letter that consists of several dozen pages. "Enefit calls to give up the bill."

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