Energy, EU – Baltic States, Lithuania, Technology

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 03:26

Website of the Baltic-Polish nuclear power plant project is lauched

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 28.08.2008.Print version
Information about the new Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant (VNPP) project is now available at the Internet website ""; the website provides information about the project's preparatory work, career and business opportunities, as well as expert opinions. The website is in Lithuanian, there is also a shorter version in English.

Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant.

"We have to carry major preparatory work before inviting bids for supply of the technologies necessary for the VNPP, and later for the construction and the operation of the power plant – it is necessary to carry out the assessment of the plant's environmental impact, technologic and transport solutions, the construction site and many others. The new website will provide information about the course of these activities," said head of VNPP Marius Grinevicius.


According to Grinevicius, although nuclear energy has been used globally for over a half-century already, many people still have a wrong impression about it, mainly due to the lack of information.


"We hope that this website will also perform the educational function. It will regularly present comments by independent Lithuanian and foreign energy experts. It will contain a comprehensive scientific information section – starting from information about the history of nuclear engineering to data on latest nuclear reactors, it will describe the principles of nuclear safety, also counter the widespread myths and offer proven facts about nuclear energy," Grinevicius said.


At the end of July this year, the board of the Lithuanian national investment company LEO LT adopted the decision to found a subsidiary called Visagino atomine elektrine, and decided that the company's share capital would be LTL 12.7 million (LVL 2.6 million).


The enterprise will assess the planned nuclear plant's impact on the environment, carry out the geoengineering research of the construction site, organize invitations for bids, draw up territorial planning documents and do the preparatory work for construction of the nuclear plant, which were previously carried out by Lietuvos energija.


Initially, 100% of LEO LT shares will belong to the Lithuanian investment company, but later this year Latvia, Estonia and Poland will be able to become the company's shareholders.


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