Baltic States – CIS, Energy, Energy Market, Latvia, Lithuania, Nuclear power plant, Russia

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 23.10.2024, 11:25

Latvian company to import electricity to Lithuania from Kaliningrad

BC, Vilnius, 08.08.2019.Print version
Latvian company Spectrum Baltic plans to import electricity to Lithuania from the Russian region of Kaliningrad. Lithuania's National Energy Regulatory Council confirmed it to LETA/BNS on Thursday it had issued the company the necessary permit.

The council's documents show the Latvian company submitted a preliminary non-binding electricity purchase-sale contract signed with Baltiyskaya AES, an enterprise established by Russia's Rosenergoatom, which built the nuclear power plant in Kaliningrad.

The construction was halted in May, 2013 after more than a fifth of the work was completed. Baltiyskaya AES says it sells electricity.

The Russian news agency Interfax reported in July that Rosenergoatom planned to conserved the unfinished nuclear facility and allocate 0.464 bn roubles for the purpose this year.

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