Education and Science, Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Financial Services

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 07:44

Tartu University Gene reserve gets a 20 mln kroons grant from the EU

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 21.12.2009.Print version
The Tartu University Estonian Gene Reserve received a 20 mln kroons science grant from the European Commission, Estonian National Broadcasting/LETA reports.

This one of the biggest science grants that Estonia has received and it enables the Gene Reserve to acquire new equipment, a gene analysis device that costs more than 6.5 mln kroons, and invite renowned scientists to Estonia so that they would create their lab or research group here. The wider meaning of the grant is to open the Estonian Gene Reserve up for European scientists.


The grant, that is meant for three years, can also be used to send Gene Reserve’s own scientists to study in European research centres for up to six months, said Estonian Gene Reserve director Andres Metspalu.


Metspalu said that the grant shows that the Gene Reserve, that last week acquired its 40,000 gene donor, has importance in the whole of Europe, having over the past six months been connected with around 30 different international projects.

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