Education and Science, EU – Baltic States, Latvia, Society

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 11:18

Number of foreign students in Latvia has trebled in 3 years

BC, Riga, 01.06.2016.Print version
The number of foreign students in Latvia has trebled in the past three years, and their contribution to the national budget reaches EUR 148 million a year, a study by Certus think tank shows, cites LETA.

According to the study, the number of foreigners studying in Latvia has grown from 2,757 to 5,458 in the last three years.


Compared to last academic year, the number of foreign students has grown by 45% at Riga Technical University (RTU), by 31 at Riga Stradins University (RSU), and by 47% at Turiba University. The average increase in the number of foreign students is 28% at all state universities and 20% in private higher education institutions. Altogether, 84% of the foreigners are studying towards a degree or professional qualification.


The Certus study also reveals that the foreign students bring an estimated EUR 148 million into the Latvian budget each year, as their presence in Latvia fuels demand for housing, food services, entertainment and a variety of other services.


The share of foreigners in Latvia's student population has grown from 1% in the 2008/2008 academic year to 8% in the 2015/2016 academic year, said Daunis Auers, an associate professor at the University of Latvia.


"Without any significant government support or strategy, higher education export has become a significant branch of the Latvian economy," the professor said, adding that the foreign students in Latvia promote the modernization of study programs, academic staff and administration, boosting the competitiveness of higher education, which benefits all students in Latvia.


The study on the economic significance and impact of Latvia's higher education export is based on a survey of 848 respondents. The study only includes data on international students studying towards an academic degree or qualification and paying tuition fees to Latvia's higher education institutions.

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