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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 07:05

Nestor: Sweden is important for Estonia – in economy, Eastern Partnership and cooperation with NATO

BC, Tallinn, 21.01.2015.Print version
On Tuesday, the Speaker of the Estonian Riigikogu Eiki Nestor met with the Speaker of the Swedish parliament Riksdag Urban Ahlin, who is on an official visit to Estonia, Riigikogu press department reports LETA.


Regional cooperation between the countries in the Nordic-Baltic format (NB8), security cooperation issues and activities with the EU Eastern Partnership countries were discussed at the meeting.


"The growth of military aggressiveness in the East and in the South, and the security situation that has changed by today force to develop defence cooperation between democratic states in bilateral, regional and also NATO framework more intensively than before," Eiki Nestor said in conclusion of the meeting.


Nestor and Ahlin agreed that parliamentary cooperation and joint activities in the NB8 framework have been successful, and focusing on Eastern Partnership is important and consistent both in Estonia and in Sweden. Estonia highly values the development of defence cooperation between Sweden and NATO. In 2015 Sweden holds the presidency of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO).


Swedish economic and defence policy, Estonian education system and the common European currency were also spoken about at the meeting.


The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Enn Eesmaa and the Chairman of the Estonia-Sweden Parliamentary Group of the Riigikogu Valdo Randpere also took part in the meeting. The Vice-President of the Riigikogu Jüri Ratas, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Marko Mihkelson, the Chairman of the Rural Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Kalvi Kõva, the Chairman of the Environment Committee of the Riigikogu Rainer Vakra, the Chairman of the Constitutional Committee of the Riigikogu Rait Maruste and members of the Riigikogu Remo Holsmer, Barbi Pilvre and Kadri Simson will also meet with the Speaker of the Swedish parliament on Tuesday and on Wednesday.


On Tuesday morning, Urban Ahlin met with President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, and he will also have meetings with Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas and the Minister of Defence Sven Mikser. The Defence Forces will show the Swedish Speaker around in Ämari Air Base.


After assuming office last spring, Eiki Nestor made his first official visit to Sweden.

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