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Tuesday, 10.09.2024, 09:31
University of Tartu: Estonian residents prefer higher taxes
Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 26.10.2009.Print version
Estonian residents want the Government to raise taxes and spend more on social benefits and social services, appeared from an international survey, writes Postimees Online/LETA.
The University of Tartu stated that in the beginning of this year, 1,661 individuals from Estonia were involved in the European Social Survey.
On a scale of 0-10 where 0 meant an abrupt decline in taxes and decreasing social benefits and services and 10 the opposite position, Estonian residents’ responses gave the average 5.61.
The same survey was carried out in a number of other European countries as well; all countries remained between 4 and 6.
41% of respondents in Estonia felt that income tax rate should be equal, 11% felt that higher-earning people should pay less whereas 47% of those polled estimated that higher-earning individuals should pay higher taxes. 1% did not have any preferences.